Attorney owned and operated
Patent & Trademark Renewals
Superior Customer Service
Advanced Technology

IP renewals you can trust.

Our Story

“Throughout my tenure in the IP industry, renewals and annuities emerged as a surprisingly constant source of frustration. I knew there had to be a better way — so I created it.”

Edward Murgitroyd

CEO and founder of Hexos IP
European Patent Attorney

Learn more about our story

Superior Customer Service.

Superior Customer Service.

IP renewal software is great - and we have some great software - nothing replaces having our team on hand to help you.

Advanced Technology.
Software included.

Advanced Technology.
Software included.

Everything you need for your IP renewals in one place. Run reports and get prices and lifetime costs.

Great Pricing.
Any Portfolio Size.

Great Pricing.
Any Portfolio Size.

By implementing the power of today's software technology, Hexos IP expedites the cumbersome renewal process and offers unparalleled value.